
Memorial service for the last Romanian King
Zvolen, December 5, 2022. King Michael I of Romania (October 25, 1921 – December 5, 2017) passed away five years ago. Dr. Marek Sobola, Secretary-General of Servare et Manere, today honoured the memory of King Michael I, who played one of the important roles also in the history of Slovakia, by laying a wreath at […]

Cardinal Dominik Duka received the Servare et Manere award
Prague, November 15, 2022. The Secretary-General of Servare et Manere, Marek Sobola, today handed over to His Eminence Dominik Cardinal Duka O.P. the Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace (Slovak: Pamätná medaila Stromu pokoja) a high honour of the association of the same name. The medal was awarded to the Cardinal for noteworthy contributions to […]

Meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Ghana in Prague
Prague, November 14, 2022. Servare et Manere Secretary-General was today received at the grounds of the Ghanaian Embassy in Prague by Ambassador His Excellency Mr. James K. Nyasembi. Dr. Štefan Žídek, PMSP, Chancellor of the Diocesan Curia of Žilina, also attended the meeting. A discussion was focused on the topic of mutual cooperation in the […]

Meeting at the French Embassy in Bratislava
Bratislava, November 11, 2022. Dr. Marek Sobola and the ambassador’s deputy, Mrs. Marion Dehais, met at the French Embassy in Bratislava. Marek Sobola explained the plans of Servare et Manere in the near future, which also include the planting of the Tree of Peace in France. Mr. Sobola and Mrs. Dehais specified the possibilities of […]

Discussion Forum on the vision of a Slovakia’s sustainable
Bratislava, November 9, 2022. At the invitation of the Rector of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (STU), Oliver Moravčík, Marek Sobola took part in the Discussion Forum, which was dedicated to the preparation of the Vision of Sustainable Development of Slovakia 2050. The event at the premises of the Slovak Technical University was part […]

Meeting with Brazilian Ambassador Eduardo Gradilone
Bratislava, November 9, 2022. Servare et Manere Secretary-General was today received at the ground of the Brazilian Embassy in Bratislava by Ambassador His Excellency Eduardo Gradilone. The very friendly meeting followed the previous meeting in Žilina during the celebration of the 4th anniversary of the Tree of Peace. The discussion focused on the topic of […]