
Start of the Peace Cruise: Sint Maarten

Rep. n° 11/2023 Sint Maarten, April 28, 2023. We transported Servare et Manere flag and Slovak stone from the Divina village, which is located in northwestern Slovakia, to the Caribbean island of Saint Martin via France. At the beginning of this year, together with the French sailor Olivier Merbau, we created a sub-project of the […]

Japanese Ambassador received Marek Sobola, SEM SG

Rep. n° 10/2023 Bratislava, April 18, 2023. His Excellency Mr. Makoto Nakagawa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Slovak Republic, today at the Embassy of Japan in Bratislava received Secretary-General of Servare et Manere. Marek Sobola presented to the Ambassador activities of this association as well as the plan to plant the Tree […]

Slovenian Embassy appreciated the long-standing diplomatic relations with Slovakia

Rep. n° 09/2023 Žilina, Ružomberok, Martin, April 12 – 13, 2023. By planting four commemorative lime trees (Tilia cordata) in three Slovak cities, the Slovenian Embassy in Bratislava (Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Bratislavi) commemorated thirty years of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and Slovakia. On Wednesday, April 12, in Žilina’s “Sad na Studničkách” park, the Ambassador […]

Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic to the Midwest USA, Mr. Ross Paul Marine PMSP, passed away

Rep. n° 08/2023 Kansas City, April 9, 2023. It is with deep sadness that we received the news that our friend, Mr. Ross Paul Marine PMSP, age 85, Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic to the Midwest USA and the Memorial Medal of Tree of Peace laureate, has passed away. Thanks to his selfless initiative, […]

Queen’s Green Canopy virtual commemorative plaque

Rep. n° 07/2023 United Kingdom / Slovakia, March 24, 2023. Extremely successful completion of our Platinum Jubilee Sister Project. The official Queen’s Green Canopy program uploaded our British planting to the official map and also sent us a virtual commemorative plaque. To date, there are 9922 Jubilee trees registered there! On the links below you […]

Platinum Jubilee Sister Project

Rep. n° 06/2023 Brookwood Military Cemetery/Žilina/Vysoká nad Kysucou, March 19 – 22, 2023. Today, March 22, 2023, an extraordinary project that lasted more than one and a half years was completed in the Biblical Garden in Vysoká nad Kysucou. Today we have completed the efforts of many people of good will who have come together […]