Slovacia omagiază memoria soldaților români și a Regelui Mihai I Tree of Peace

Slovakia paid tribute to the memory of Romanian soldiers and King Michael I

Piešťany / Zvolen / Trenčianska Teplá / Stará Turá, November 9, 2021. NGO Servare et Manere responsible for the implementation of the international project Tree of Peace in cooperation with the Slovak Armed Forces, the Slovak Ministry of Defence and towns of Piešťany, Zvolen, Stará Turá and the Trenčianska Teplá village organized under the Auspices […]

Daniel Zmeko Marek Sobola

Meeting with the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic

Bratislava, November 4, 2021. Marek Sobola, founder and CEO of the international project Tree of Peace, met today with General Daniel Zmeko, Chief of the General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces (SAF). In addition to the presentation of the Tree of Peace initiative itself and the forthcoming events associated with this peaceful international project, […]

Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II

The very first Platinum Jubilee Tree in Central Europe

Žilina, November 3, 2021. On the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II was today in Slovakia officially planted the very first Jubilee tree in Central Europe. A memorial common oak (Quercus robur), also known as an English oak, was planted in Carl Gustav Swensson Park in Žilina. The planting […]

Brookwood Military Cemetery Tree of Peace Zuzana Čaputová

Brookwood Memorial Service

United Kingdom, Brookwood, October 31, 2021. On Sunday, a memorial service was held by the Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans – MAFCSV at the Brookwood Military Cemetery. The event was opened by Mrs Gerry Manolas, Chair of the MAFCSV and a number of people and families, including children, joined the memorial service on that […]

Bronze Benemerenti Medal of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George Marek Sobola

Bronze Benemerenti Medal awarded to Marek Sobola

Italy, Naples, 29 June 2021 / United Kingdom, Teddington, 25 October 2021. Marek Sobola, CEO Servare et Manere has been awarded the Bronze Benemerenti Medal of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George (Italian: Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio) for his merits related to the implementation of the International Tree of Peace. The […]

Ministerul Apărării Naționale_Servare et Manere_Arborele Internațional al Păcii

Romanian Ministry of National Defense informed about the Servare et Manere event

Bucharest, October 27, 2021. The Ministry of National Defense of Romania today announced on its official social networks about the recent activity of Servare et Manere. Dr. Marek Sobola, director of the association, honored all places of worship in Slovakia dedicated to the Romanian army. The wording of the article is presented in the original […]